lane frost net worth at time of death

lane frost net worth at time of death

Lane Frost was an iconic bull rider who tragically died in 1989 after a bull riding accident at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo. He was only 25 years old when he passed away, but his legacy continues to live on to this day. In this blog post, we’ll take a look back at his remarkable life, as well as what his net worth was at the time of his death.

Lane Frost’s Legacy and Net Worth at the Time of His Death

Lane Frost was born on October 12th, 1963 in La Junta, Colorado. Growing up on a farm, he developed a passion for horses and bulls from a young age. At just 8 years old, he had already won his first rodeo championship. By the time he reached adulthood, Lane had become one of the most accomplished and beloved bull riders on the circuit.

He won multiple world championships and set records that have yet to be broken—including an impressive ride of 91 points in 1987—the highest score ever earned by any professional bull rider.

At the time of his death in 1989, Lane Frost’s estimated net worth was around $1 million—a small fortune for someone so young. This money came from prize winnings as well as endorsement deals with companies like Wrangler Jeans and Coca-Cola.

The vast majority of this money went towards purchasing cattle land and equipment for his family’s ranch in Oklahoma City, where they still reside today.

But perhaps more important than Lane Frost’s financial success is the legacy that he left behind. In 1990—just one year after his death—the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) organization was founded in honor of him and other fallen riders who had made such great contributions to the sport during their lifetimes.

To this day, PBR remains one of the most popular organizations in all of the professional sports, thanks largely to its commitment to preserving Lane’s memory and celebrating all that he achieved within such a short span of time.

Lane Frost will forever be remembered for being one of the greatest bull riders ever to compete in professional rodeos; not only did he set records that have yet to be broken but also inspired countless individuals with both his skill and courage inside the arena. At just 25 years old when he passed away in 1989,

lane frost net worth at time of death

it is no wonder why so many people still look up to him today; not only did he leave behind an incredible legacy but also amassed an impressive net worth of around $1 million throughout his career. Truly an amazing individual!

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